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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Read About Early pregnancy symptoms

Read About Early pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy is an exciting time for pregnant women. Pregnancy is divided into 3 sections, 1st 3rd trimester.The known as early pregnancy. In these 1st 12 weeks of a woman's body produces true excellence.

The clearest signal early pregnancy is, of course, the absence of the rule. establishes no menstruation, can a pregnancy test early pregnancy has been shown to be relatively safe from the pharmacy.
Early symptoms of pregnancy

Many pregnant women notice even before your period, your body is something "different", but can not be defined exactly. The breasts are tight, the skin is constantly changing and makes you feel very tired.

A state change occurs strange mood. With a planned pregnancy, these are good omens for a positive test. With unplanned pregnancies, this will only take awareness of pregnant women gynecologist just after definitive diagnosis.

This can already be found in six to seven weeks pregnant beating heart baby through an ultrasound. Because in the first week of pregnancy that develop in the embryo and many other organs such as the heart does.

If you are taking medication regularly, now it is the right time to consult your doctor to avoid possible damage at the time of side effects embryos time.

Almost all pregnant women, gynecologists recommend optimal for child development now take folic acid if you have not yet begun a planned pregnancy beforehand with him.
The first symptoms of pregnancy

Already in early pregnancy women feel in their bodies the real chaos. Suddenly, the first symptoms and complaints that know not happen before. While some women experience little or nothing less, hit another more difficult. Typical early symptoms of pregnancy include.

1.An incredible tiredness in pregnancy is about pregnant. Plenty of rest and relaxation are now in the program.
The best way to listen to your body and delivers it to rest the use of all possible days as possible.

2.Not only in the morning, but also for lunch and dinner to the pregnant woman can be easily misused and can even be vomiting on the agenda. Take small meals 5 or 6 times a day for himself. Drinking herbal tea and chamomile tea.

1.A nasty pulling in the abdomen, sometimes associated with back pain, often occurs in early pregnancy. The embryo implants in the uterus and expanded.
Everything is stretched, If you are unsure, consult your doctor.

2.Suddenly, a pregnant woman can not smell the scent of your favorite perfume. Cigarette smoke has been almost ad nauseam and cheap wine in the post butcher nauseous.

3.Feeling of tension in the breasts due to increased estrogen production in the body of the pregnant woman, often the breasts or slightly extend larger.6. In a quarter of pregnant women it occurs in early pregnancy bleeding. This can be carried out in the period that had taken place normally the rule.


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