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Saturday, 25 June 2016

Hair Tie wrist infection causes bad enough to require surgery

Hair Tie wrist infection causes bad enough to require surgery

Do you have an inexplicable hatred headbands? I have a little bit of fuel for the fire.

Successful sales unstylish element often associated with characters without hope (pre-makeover Anne Hathaway in "The Princess Diaries') has made headlines for causing a serious infection in the wrist of a woman in Kentucky.

Audree Kopp was rushed to surgery for a tear in the skin caused by bad loop rubbing against your skin.

The cut - which started as a small bump - contained both staphylococcus and streptococcus, an injury that doctors are also associated with excessively tight bracelets and watches.

"We just do bigger and redder and worse," Kopp told CBS Philadelphia. "Thank God we caught it in time or could have had sepsis".

Before you go pointing fingers at some antiquated accessory and publicly embarrass a friend who still use them, remember that the real enemy here is bacteria. I've had a few in my life and that somehow managed not to kill me or even try. However, for safety, I am also not going to stop throwing them all in a bonfire.


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