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Saturday, 25 June 2016

New guidelines may help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

New guidelines may help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

When I was pregnant all I could think about was my baby through what it is. I was seriously terrified of having a birth or Miscarriage yet, and when my baby was finally born at 36 weeks without complications I felt like I could breathe for a minute. Then I remembered the syndrome of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and started to panic again.

The truth is that I pushed my baby to take a pacifier because I had read somewhere that decreases the chances of SIDS. I did my best to keep my baby safe. I was very worried about him dying suddenly thought that as soon as the risk was more than could be silent again. Not that ever stop worrying about your children are safe and happy, but the problem with SIDS was unknown, mystery.

There is now a new study helps parents understand a little more about the baffling syndrome. And there were certain things you can do to reduce the risk of SIDS, most of them related to the environment - like putting the baby to sleep on her back and take her crib bedding insecure - but now it seems that researchers have discovered additional vaccines.

A baby is more vulnerable to SIDS when they have been exposed to the consumption of snuff in the womb, when born prematurely and when they are under 6 months old. When these factors with which we already knew, which is a recipe for disaster combined. These babies are at increased risk should be monitored more closely and constantly.

While this does not mean that every premature baby was exposed to smoke will die of SIDS, which undoubtedly represents an additional risk.

Unfortunately, there is still much to learn about the syndrome; the only thing parents can do is try to follow the doctor's recommendations as closely as possible


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