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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Marin Academy Karachi PTS Jobs July 2016 Application Form

Marin Academy Karachi PTS Jobs July 2016 Application Form

  • Marin Academy PTS Karachi Pakistan Employment July 2016 Marin Academy (PMA) Advertising Download. Pakistan Marin Academy (PMA) has invited the application of suitable candidates for the following positions.

  • Last date of filing Form = 15 August 2016
  • Pakistan Marin Academy (PMA) PTS application form:

UVAS Lahore List OF Admitted Candidates M. Phil Degree Program 2016

UVAS Lahore List OF Admitted Candidates M. Phil Degree Program 2016

  • They are allowed to deposit up to 07/27/2016 Their dues. Third merit list will be displayed on 28/7/2016, if seats available. Enrollment classes will be commenced and from 15.08.2016. Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Microbiology.

  • LAHORE GRAPES HAS ANNOUNCED LIST OF CANDIDATES ADMITTED IN 3RD DEGREE PROGRAM IN REGULAR ADMISSION 2016-17 M. Phil. Following M. Phil candidates Have Been provisionally ADMITTED to various Departments.

HITEC university taxila Online Admission System 2016

HITEC university taxila Online Admission System 2016

  • Heavy Industries Taxila Education City (HITEC) is a relatively new addition to the characteristics of Taxila. Located in the foothills of Margalla, 30 km northwest of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, it is an integrated complex and specific purpose, which houses educational institutions, restoration of pre-school to university education.

  • Admission to the University of HITEC Taxila open for monitoring programs. Apply online for HITEC University Taxila Online System Admission:

Application form

  • Submit paper application form with the original slip Challan (HITEC Copy) and academic documents:
  • Registrar, HITEC University Taxila Cantt by courier or registered mail or by hand to reach the University of HITEC later than 16-Aug-2016.
  • HITEC University is not liable for loss or late receipt of the application form or Challan order.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Allama Iqbal Open University C.T/P.T.C/ATTC Program New Result 2016

Allama Iqbal Open University C.T/P.T.C/ATTC Program New Result  2016

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is the single largest university in the entire region of Asia and was established in the year May 1974 in Islamabad. The main campus and administrative building AIOU is located in the city of Islamabad beautiful and attractive province of Punjab, Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad declare the result of all education programs in the last week of July and can visit the official site AIOU for brands of all the details of all topics that are available here.

Result  2016

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How to Treatment Pityriasis Rosea Fast

How to Treatment Pityriasis Rosea Fast

Pityriasis rosea is a skin disease that causes skin rashes body. Rosea problem Roseais harmless but very common skin of a person who appears for several weeks. Very often it appears and grows in autumn and spring, and looks to the children and young adults mission. Pityriasis rosea is uncommon in the elderly over 60 years. It can last months when it occurs in this age group. A single point of randomization often appears one to twenty days before the rash common. It is an oval mark 2.5 cm wide with a scale expanding right on the edge of nowhere.

Pityriasis rosea treatment usually focuses on controlling irritation. Antihistamines, taken orally, can be used to reduce itching. Aveeno oatmeal baths, medicated lotions to combat itching and steroid creams may be prescribed to combat the rash. Warm, rather than hot, baths may be suggested. There are many treatments available for the treatment of pityriasis rosea.

Some research showed that stress also causes this disease and the most effective method of treatment include practice and purpose of why he could not cope with stress. It may have occurred before an interview or public talk and the idea that this fear. It could have happened because it was burning your project and now feels worthless.

Pityriasis rosea is usually appeared by a combination of skin lesions and dry. It is good to avoid any oils, soaps and ointments that are severe skin and pay for it to dry. In contrast, hot showers helps calm the signs and offer greater leniency. Lightly rub the skin instead of washing also help relieve symptoms.

5 Tricks For How To Get Rid of Bad Breath

5 Tricks For How To Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is a hunter personality. It must be cured immediately if you are a person socialized Otherwise you will get bad impression on others. In this article we will discuss some of the tips to curing bad breath. Let's start the cure for bad breath and procedure one by one.

5 Tricks to know how to get rid of bad breath?

Cleaning the teeth, mouth and tongue:

simply applying toothpaste to the teeth and clean is not enough. You have to clean the tongue and cheeks also to avoid bad breath. It consists of the tongue towel like structure that incorporates a lot of bacteria and smelly stuff. Brushing your teeth twice a day and to reduce odor can use fresh mint mouthwash carry. If you are allergic to products that use only the mouth fragrant mint What products are going to keep your mouth fresh for long.
Keep hydrated mouth:

The saliva produced in the mouth by nature involves factors that kills mouth bacteria kills odor. Try to keep the mouth moisturized with the help of juices you can eat gum or mint bubble will protect teeth from getting paler too. Dry mouth can occur long after medication, specific foods or unhealthy conditions. Consult your doctor if the condition is worse and after trying all the techniques still have bad breath due to dry mouth.

Some of the chewing gum containing odorous chemicals can accumulate Increase germ later when thrown out. Before boarding a gum feeding habit, check the ingredient Xylitol What is a type of germ Increase sugar and can accumulate. Eat sugar all the time is not good for health and mouth as well. Take all measures to reduce bacteria in the development of his mouth.

4. Eat and avoid:

It is likely that knowing the onion, garlic, cheese, coffee and similar products that increases in odor from the mouth, leaving behind a bad odor. Try not to take plenty These edible Otherwise you can not get rid of the odor. People who used to eat junk food all the time can have bad breath Because of the nature of this food. Traces of junk food like burgers, fries, etc. left behind for a long time when you eat them. Staying long in the mouth causes odor in the mouth. What you should have in your daily diet is vitamin C rich food, which are evil destroyer of breath. Banana, apple, orange, pepper is very good for people bad breath.

5. Consult your doctor:

Treat all necessary measures and advice if still not get relief from bad breath then you should consult your doctor. Bad breath can also be the reason for diabetes or tonsil stones. In these diseases you can not get rid of bad smell for long, as it will develop again and again. To overcome esta problem, consider the use and prescription of Dr. mouth freshener if you have to Recommend

Malaria disease causes,Symptoms,prevention and treatment

Malaria disease causes,Symptoms,prevention and treatment

Disease malaria is very dangerous disease of the word. In each year millions of people who kill only disease malaria. There were an estimated 225 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2009.
In this article you will find a complete guide to the disease of malaria to teach what causes malaria and symptoms resulting from malaria along with the treatment of malaria, and provide a full explanation of what malaria disease.
This article is only for knowledge so we recommend that you consult your doctor to take any medicine for the disease of malaria.

A disease Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes caused by eukaryotic protists of the genus Plasmodium, in short, is a parasite that once in the blood weakens the immune system and make you seriously ill.
In other words Malaria is an infectious disease by mosquitoes caused humans and other animals by eukaryotic protists of the genus Plasmodium transmitted.
So simple main causes of malaria are very simple words and very simple and easy to understand is that mosquito bites.
Mosquito bites are the main causes that affect humans and animals.

What are the main symptoms of malaria?
Early symptoms of malaria are like having the flu. Maybe your you have,
• Headaches
• Shaking chills
• Diarrhea
• Muscle pain
• Lethargy
• Diseases
• cough
• Abdominal pain.
• muscle pains
• poor appetite
• Vomiting
It is important that all the symptoms appeared again, these symptoms are more commonly to be noticed in this disease. Therefore you have any of the symptoms of 2 ~ 3 above symptoms should seek medical advice.
After some time the temperature may increase. Some people have attacks of malaria in three stages, tremor, heat and sweating. You may feel or be sick during the heating phase.

How I can prevent malaria disease?

malaria prevention is to protect yourself against mosquito bites and take malaria drugs. However, public health officials recommend that young children and pregnant women avoid traveling to areas where malaria is common. In Asia and Africa are the most affected by the disease of malaria.

What are the possible complications of the disease of malaria?

Patients can suffer serious complications of the disease of malaria as the brain can be affected, kidney failure, liver failure and affect the body's immune system that affects blood cells and respiratory failure of fluid in the lungs. Another possible complication of malaria disease red urine, jaundice, and inadequate flow of patients feeling download

What is the possible treatment of malaria disease?

A complete blood count (CBC) should be required to diagnose the disease of malaria.
First always go for the complete blood count, because after reviewing the report of HC is easier for any consultant who face disease malaria.
There are many common symptoms between malaria and dengue. So always ask consultant serves clearly about these diseases.

Several drugs used to treat malaria are easily available in the market and Malaria is completely curable.
Malaria, especially Falciparum malaria, is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization. Chloroquine is often used as a medicine against malaria.
The choice of medication depends in part on where you were when infected so it is best to consult your doctor as soon as possible and try to control fever as possible to prevent serious complications of the disease of malaria.

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

The eyes are the gift of God. Through the eyes you can see the beauty of nature and color of can feel the importance of eyes when eyes closed or in darkness and can not see any thing.Without visibly no color in the lifetime. those who have eyes and can see that they do not realize the problem of those people who s no eyes which means it is blind. Several investigations are ongoing in the US university where are different idea to solve the problem of blindness. Now modern worlds where man was found far as the moon, but still no perfect solution scicentist of blindness. But in this post we share some different ideas about ongoing research at the American University in which electronic devices that connect directly to the brain and brain instruction is used. Name of this device is the stick vision of a digital camera and a digital sensor is used. One of the headphones are connected to the ear that amplify sounds by which the blind person to get an idea of ​​what comes in your way. For these devices blind people can move easily on the stairs and in the parks

• camera sensors on the bottom edge of the bar will help in detecting around a blind. all directions (left, right, forward and backward) will be detected and information on the environment.
• An efficient artificial intelligence has an IQ level such that detect anything, any obstacle or hole near the blind calculator and blind its distance from the normal rhythm of the feet of a person and tells the direction where it is present . Also manipulate that kind of thing is a chair, table, stairs, road or a tree and tells his foot steps away from one person to use.
• A generator wireless signals that send signals to wireless headphones. The blind person is using these headphones and receives audio signals from the device that tells about the object of their environment. The audio is generated by software mentioned above.
• The calculated foot steps must be accurate and generated audio it is clear and concise.
• The stick can be bent into shorter length equivalent to pencil so it can be used in places where the distance is small. The software automatically detects and distance is calculated accordingly. for example, in the closet or kitchen.
• Using the stick of a blind person will also be able to read books or newspapers. The software detects and tells the text accordingly.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Ways Of Life In America

Ways Of Life In America 

In many regions of the world, people wear traditional costumes at festivals or holidays, and sometimes more regularly. Americans, however, have no distinctive clothing popular with a long tradition. Except for clothing varied and distinctive Native American peoples, dressed in the United States it has rarely been specific to a particular region or on the basis of careful preservation of decorative patterns and crafts. America dress is derived from tissues and fashions of Europeans began to colonize the country in the 17th century The first settlers incorporate some of the forms used by indigenous peoples, such as moccasins and clothing made of fur animals (Benjamin Franklin is famous for flaunting a raccoon hat when he traveled to Europe), but generally in the United States adapted and modified European styles. Despite the number and variety of immigrants in the United States, American Apparel has tended to be homogeneous, and the costume of a country of immigrant origin often quickly exchanged for American clothing.

American dress is distinctive because of its indifference. American style in the 20th century is more informal than in Europe recognizable, and sources of fashion is more dependent on what people are wearing on the streets. European fashions follow the example of the top of the hierarchy of fashion, dictated by the famous couture houses (sewing) in Paris, France, and recently, Milan, Italy and London, England. Paris designers, both today and in the past has also been rich dress and American fashion, which copied the French styles. Although European designs remain a significant influence on the American taste, American fashions more often come from popular sources such as school and the street, as well as television and movies. In the last quarter of the 20th century, Americans often designers find inspiration in the imaginative costume worn by young people in cities and playgrounds, and used by workers in factories and fields.

blue jeans are probably the most representative article only American clothes. They were originally invented by the tailor Jacob Davis, who along with cloth merchant Levi Strauss patented the idea in 1873 as a duration of garments miners. blue jeans (also known as dungarees) distributed among workers of all kinds in the final ages of 19 and 20 years, especially among working cowboys, farmers, loggers and railroad. During the 1950s, actors Marlon Brando and James Dean made blue jeans fashion with its use in movies, and jeans became part of the image of teenage rebellion. This fashion statement exploded in the 1960s and 1970s as Levi became an integral part of youth culture focused on civil rights and anti-war protests. In the late 1970s, almost everyone in blue jeans United States, and young people around the world sought. As designers began to create more sophisticated styles of blue jeans and adjust its shape, jeans began to express the American emphasis on informality and the importance of subtle details. By highlighting the correct label and achieve the desired look, jeans, despite its worker origins, ironically he embodied consciousness of American fashion and the desire to approach the latest fashion.

informality in dress of America is such a strong part of American culture that many workplaces have adopted the idea of ​​"Casual Friday" day in which workers are encouraged to dress below their usual professional attire. For many high-tech industries located along the west coast as well as among teachers of colleges and universities, this emphasis on casual dress is a fact of life not only reserved for Fridays.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Kidney Stones Easy Home Remedies

Kidney Stones Easy Home Remedies

Kidney stones are very common health problem. They are formed from chemicals in urine, such as uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and oxalic acid. Other common causes of kidney stones are excessive intake of vitamin D, a mineral imbalance, dehydration, gout and inadequate diet.

lemon juice and olive oil
The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is traditionally used as a home remedy to expel gallstones, but can also be used to treat kidney stones. The citric acid in lemons helps to break up kidney stones based on calcium and stops their growth.

Take four tablespoons or a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice.
Add an equal amount of olive oil.
Drink the mixture followed by plenty of water.
Do this two or three times a day, up to three days. It is necessary to continue with this remedy if approved stones in a single dose.

Warning: This remedy may not be suitable for the passage of large stones in the kidney. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking this medicine.

apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps dissolve kidney stones. Also it has an alkalizing effect in blood and urine.

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water.
Drink this a few times a day.
3. Granada

Try to eat a whole Granada or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily Granada. You can mix Granada in a fruit salad too.
Another option is to grind a tablespoon of Granada seeds into a fine paste. Eat this pasta with a cup of horse gram soup once a day. This remedy will help dissolve the stones. You can find horse gram in the markets of India.

Nettle leaf
Nettle leaf helps maintain water flow through the kidneys and bladder, thereby promoting smooth urination. At the same time, nettle leaf helps maintain crystal formation in stones and keeps bacteria away. Nettle tea also increase the benefits of water to act as a natural diuretic.

Add two tablespoons of dried leaves in a cup of hot water nettle.
Let stand for 10 minutes then strain.
Drink two to three cups of nettle tea a day for several weeks.
5. basil

Basil is considered a tonic for the kidneys and therefore is good for the overall health of the organs. Basil may also help induce the expulsion of stones in the urinary tract.

Mix one teaspoon of basil juice and honey. Take the morning for five to six months. If you do not like the taste of honey, you can take the pure juice basil or chewing two fifty-eight basil leaves daily.
Another option is to drink tea basil. Steep five fifty five basil leaves in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink this tea after cooling.
6. watermelon

Watermelon is a great way to treat kidney stones composed of calcium and magnesium phosphates and carbonates. This watermelon Potassium is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the level of acid in the urine.

Along with potassium, watermelon also contains a high concentration of water, which helps in flushing kidney stones. Watermelon eating regularly can help a lot in the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. You can take the watermelon seed tea as well.

On a similar note (and somewhat ironically) Beans - named for its similarity in shape and color to the body of the same name - they are also great for clearing up kidney stones. Beans are not only high in fiber, they are also a great source of protein of non-animal origin, vitamins and minerals that improve the health of the urinary tract and kidney B. To get the most out of their grain, they are boiled in water (avoid beef broth, salt, etc.) until they are tender enough to eat. The filter the liquid, allowed to cool, then strain again. You can drink the resulting broth beans to help dissolve and remove the stones and then eat the delicious beans themselves to improve overall kidney health.

dandelion root
The dandelion root has been used for years to treat and control the symptoms associated with kidney stones. In addition to relieving pain caused by kidney stones, the functions of the tooth root organic lion in cleaning the urinary tract. For effective results, it is highly recommended that you take at least 500 milligrams of organic tooth root lion twice in one day.

Grapes have been considered as the best home therapy for kidney stones. Grapes are composed only of importance in their excessive diuretic substances of water and potassium salt. As a result of sodium chloride minutes more matter albumin, grapes are of great importance when it comes to remove kidney problems.

Read About Insomnia

Read About Insomnia

Persistent insomnia is a disorder that can make it difficult to sleep, difficult to stay asleep, or both, despite the opportunity for adequate sleep. With insomnia, usually you wake up feeling refreshed, which takes a toll on your ability to function during the day. Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood, but also your health, work performance and quality of life.

How much sleep is enough varies from person to person. Most adults need seven to eight hours per night.

Many adults experience insomnia at some point, but some people have insomnia (chronic) long term. Insomnia may be the main problem, or may be secondary to other causes, such as illness or medication.

You do not have to put up with sleepless nights. Simple changes in your daily habits can often help.

The symptoms

Insomnia symptoms may include:

Difficulty falling asleep at night
Waking at night
Waking up too early
Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
daytime fatigue or sleepiness
Irritability, depression or anxiety
Difficulty paying attention, concentrating on tasks or remember
Increased errors or accidents
Tension headaches
Discomfort in the stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal tract)
the concern about sleep
A person with insomnia often take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep and may have only six or fewer hours of sleep for three or more days a week for a month or more.

When to see a doctor

If insomnia makes it difficult for you to function during the day, consult your doctor to determine what might be the cause of your sleep problem and how it can be treated. If your doctor thinks you might have a sleep disorder, you may be referred to a sleep center for special testing.


Stress. Concerns about work, school, health or family can keep your mind active during the night, making it difficult to sleep. stressful life events - such as death or illness of a loved one, divorce or job loss - can lead to insomnia.
Anxiety. daily anxieties as well as severe anxiety disorders more like disorder, PTSD can disrupt your sleep. Worry about being able to go to sleep can make it difficult to sleep.
Depression. You can sleep too much or have trouble sleeping if you're depressed. Insomnia often occurs with other mental health disorders.
medical conditions. If you have chronic pain, difficulty breathing or a need to urinate frequently, you may develop insomnia. Examples of conditions related to insomnia include arthritis, cancer, heart failure, lung disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, stroke, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Changes in the environment or the working agenda. Travel or work sooner or later turn can alter the body's circadian rhythms, making it difficult to sleep. Your circadian rhythms act as an internal clock, guiding such things as the sleep-wake cycle, metabolism and body temperature.
poor sleep habits. poor sleep habits include irregular sleep schedule, stimulating activities before bed, an uncomfortable sleeping environment, and using the bed for activities other than sleep or sex.
The drugs. Many prescription drugs can interfere with sleep, including some antidepressants, heart and blood pressure medications, allergy medications, stimulants (such as Ritalin) and corticosteroids. Many medications over-the-counter (OTC) - including some combinations of pain medications, decongestants and weight loss products - contain caffeine and other stimulants.
Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Coffee, tea, cola and other beverages containing caffeine are stimulants known. Drinking coffee in the afternoon and later you can avoid falling asleep at night. The nicotine in snuff products is another stimulant that can cause insomnia. Alcohol is a sedative that can help you sleep, but avoid the deeper stages of sleep and often causes you to awaken in the middle of the night.
Eating late at night. Eat a light snack before bedtime is OK, but overeating can make you feel physically uncomfortable while lying down, making it difficult to sleep. Many people also experience heartburn, acid reflux and food from the stomach into the esophagus after eating, which can keep you awake.
Insomnia and aging

Insomnia becomes more common with age. As you age, you may experience:

A change in sleep patterns. Sleep often becomes less restful as you age, and it is possible that noise or other changes in their environment are more likely to awaken. With age, your internal clock often advances, which it means they get tired before the night and early morning awakening. However, older people in general still need the same amount of sleep as younger people.
A change in activity. It may be less physically or socially active. The lack of activity can interfere with sleep a night. In addition, less active you are, the more likely need to take a daily nap, which can interfere with sleep at night.
A change in health. chronic pain conditions such as arthritis or back problems as well as depression, anxiety and stress can interfere with sleep. Older men often develop noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia), which can cause the need to urinate frequently, interrupting sleep. In women, menopause hot flashes can also be harmful.

Other sleep-related, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, disorders also become more common with age. causes of sleep apnea stop breathing periodically throughout the night. restless legs syndrome causes unpleasant sensations in the legs and an almost irresistible desire to move, which may prevent it from falling asleep.

More drugs. Older people often use more prescription drugs than younger ones, increasing the risk of insomnia caused by a medication.
Sleep problems may be a concern for children and adolescents as well. However, some children and teenagers simply have trouble getting to sleep or resist a regular schedule because their internal clocks are more delayed. They want to go to bed later and sleep later in the morning.

Sleep terrors (night terrors)

Sleep terrors (night terrors)

Night terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear and shaking while asleep. It is also known as night terrors, sleep terrors often combined with sleepwalking. Like sleepwalking, night terrors are considered a parasomnia - an undesirable event during sleep.

Although night terrors are more common in children, but can also affect adults. A night terror episode usually lasts from seconds to a few minutes, but can last longer.

Night terrors are relatively rare, affecting only a small percentage of children - often between the ages of 4 and 12 - and a smaller percentage of adults. However, the terrors of frightening dream is not usually a cause for concern. Most children outgrow night terrors for her teenage years.

The symptoms

Night terrors are different from nightmares. The dreamer awakes from a nightmare dream and can remember details, but a person who has an episode of night terror is asleep.

Children often remember nothing of their sleep terrors in the morning. Adults can remember a fragment of sleep they had during the night terrors. In addition, the nightmares usually occur in the second half of the night, while night terrors occur in the first half of the night.

During an episode of night terror, a person can:

Sit on the bed
Or scream
Kick and thrash
Sweat, breathe deeply and have a heartbeat
It will be difficult to wake up, but if you wake up confused
Staring wide-eyed
Getting out of bed and run around the house
Engage in aggressive behavior (more common in adults)
When to see a doctor

occasional night terrors are not usually a cause for concern. If your child has night terrors, just to mention a test routine well-child. However, consult your doctor if sleep terrors:

increasingly frequent
Routinely disrupt sleep or sleep of other family members
Because you or your child to fear going to sleep
Lead to dangerous behavior or injury
They seem to follow the same pattern every time
Persist beyond adolescence or adulthood begin


Several factors may contribute to sleep terrors, such as:

Lack of sleep and extreme tiredness
Fever (in children)
Sleep in an unfamiliar place
Lights or noises
An overfull bladder
Night terrors are sometimes associated with underlying diseases that affect sleep, such as:

sleep-disordered breathing - one of the most common of which group of disorders characterized by abnormal breathing patterns during sleep disorders is obstructive sleep apnea disorders
Restless leg syndrome

6 Rules for Post-Workout Meals

6 Rules for Post-Workout Meals

Fitness has been at the top of the priority list for folks, maybe because we see a lot of thin people on the screens and in the streets. This can be considered as a motivating factor or just a step towards a social trend remains to be seen, but what has had a salutary effect on the population.
In most cases people do not really know that when we exercise is not the wasting of muscles and is essential to care for him through healthy intake of foods and beverages that contribute to the recovery of muscles and increase strength. In this article we would be discussing the golden rules to follow regarding food intake after a workout. The list is as follows:

The food after training helps in building strength if intake is healthy, the point of eating after a heavy workout is that during the process the body burns fat and uses nutrients in the body, muscles have wear and if not able to have a proper diet, you end up becoming weak and prone to injury. Food rejuvenates muscles, joints and digestive system. Intake acts as a recovery and you can see the changes in your body in terms of strength and muscle mass if you are regularly taking healthy foods after a workout.

Given the different proteins different diets:

We see that people generally after a workout or have a diet plan for a particular focus on protein intake and avoid fats. It is true that proteins are building blocks for muscles, but fat intake is so essential to the muscles. Foods like sweet potatoes, beans and other starch filled are great for the body because they provide nutrients to the body that had been used during the training session and helps with metabolism.

Should choose healthy foods rather than processed foods because the body is in constant recovery after forming cells and develop new ones are a reflection of what has been eating a healthy diet means a cell healthy growth and this helps to deal with issues such as premature aging and probably be sick. No need to have an energy bar after training when eating healthy can be a much better choice.

Keep hydrated:

If you are falling into a strenuous workout you need to have sports drinks as they are full of electrolytes and nutrients that help keep hydrated and healthy. On the other hand, if you're only shorter workouts and is climate controlled with running water after it is a better choice. You need to keep your body hydrated because a lot of water and minerals such as sodium lost during proper training.

It is completely fine to do anything in moderation, but must take into account the negative effects of something like alcohol has on the body immediately after training. Alcohol reduces muscle strength by up to 40 percent so that when it enters the next workout you feel tired and fatigued. Consumption in moderation is fine, as long as the habit is not done.

Olive Oil Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Olive Oil Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Oil is obtained from extracts something like olive oil is the extract of olives. Olive is a fruit and olive trees grow. After collection of washed and crushed by steel plates olives. This slurry was stirred for oil droplets through a process called steeping is obtained. These droplets are passed through a centrifuge stirring for separating oil and water. When excess water is removed is pure olive oil. In markets olive oil are available in packs and bottles. If the container of olive oil, then you should use olive oil in a few months before the opening of the expiration date. However, if it does not open then it can be stored for two years in a cool, dark place, but takes into account the expiration date.

The benefits for cancer patients:

Olive oil is beneficial to patients suffering from cancer. A nutrient called phytonutrients found in olive oil that reduces inflammation and reduces the possibility of breast cancer and recurrence.

Benefits for diabetic patients:

Diabetes is becoming very common disease, especially in third world countries. Obese and overweight people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome that increases the risk of diabetes. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and a recent Spanish study showed that olive oil rich diet reduces the risk of type II diabetes.

Reduces heart attack:

It has been shown in a study published in the online edition of Neurology that individuals who consume olive oil on a daily basis have less chance of stroke. It also slows aging of the heart.

Avoid the risk of osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that reduces bone mass and make tissues become brittle. When Become weak bones that fracture increases the chances. The chances of osteoporosis commonly seen in women over thirty years. Olive oil is useful for the thickness of bones.

Researchers in terms of Spanish olive oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats reduce the risk of depression and mental illness. Polyunsaturated fats are found in oily fish and vegetables present.
The nutritional facts of olive oil described below are as follows: -
Olive oil nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 3699 kJ (884 kcal)
0 g
100 grams
Saturated 14g
73g Monounsaturated
Omega 3
11 g
0.8 g
9.8 g
0 g
Vitamin E
(93%) 14 mg
Vitamin K
(57%) 60 g
(4%) 0.56 mg

Read About Early pregnancy symptoms

Read About Early pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy is an exciting time for pregnant women. Pregnancy is divided into 3 sections, 1st 3rd trimester.The known as early pregnancy. In these 1st 12 weeks of a woman's body produces true excellence.

The clearest signal early pregnancy is, of course, the absence of the rule. establishes no menstruation, can a pregnancy test early pregnancy has been shown to be relatively safe from the pharmacy.
Early symptoms of pregnancy

Many pregnant women notice even before your period, your body is something "different", but can not be defined exactly. The breasts are tight, the skin is constantly changing and makes you feel very tired.

A state change occurs strange mood. With a planned pregnancy, these are good omens for a positive test. With unplanned pregnancies, this will only take awareness of pregnant women gynecologist just after definitive diagnosis.

This can already be found in six to seven weeks pregnant beating heart baby through an ultrasound. Because in the first week of pregnancy that develop in the embryo and many other organs such as the heart does.

If you are taking medication regularly, now it is the right time to consult your doctor to avoid possible damage at the time of side effects embryos time.

Almost all pregnant women, gynecologists recommend optimal for child development now take folic acid if you have not yet begun a planned pregnancy beforehand with him.
The first symptoms of pregnancy

Already in early pregnancy women feel in their bodies the real chaos. Suddenly, the first symptoms and complaints that know not happen before. While some women experience little or nothing less, hit another more difficult. Typical early symptoms of pregnancy include.

1.An incredible tiredness in pregnancy is about pregnant. Plenty of rest and relaxation are now in the program.
The best way to listen to your body and delivers it to rest the use of all possible days as possible.

2.Not only in the morning, but also for lunch and dinner to the pregnant woman can be easily misused and can even be vomiting on the agenda. Take small meals 5 or 6 times a day for himself. Drinking herbal tea and chamomile tea.

1.A nasty pulling in the abdomen, sometimes associated with back pain, often occurs in early pregnancy. The embryo implants in the uterus and expanded.
Everything is stretched, If you are unsure, consult your doctor.

2.Suddenly, a pregnant woman can not smell the scent of your favorite perfume. Cigarette smoke has been almost ad nauseam and cheap wine in the post butcher nauseous.

3.Feeling of tension in the breasts due to increased estrogen production in the body of the pregnant woman, often the breasts or slightly extend larger.6. In a quarter of pregnant women it occurs in early pregnancy bleeding. This can be carried out in the period that had taken place normally the rule.

Daily Health Tips for Men

Daily Health Tips for Men

Daily health tips for men can be go from here, if women are important and need health care, in the same way, men health are also important. In this post, daily health tips of all men to be discussed, this post will focus on the successful daily health tips that are beneficial for men.

If they are to do meditation then you see is the newly popular practice that has all the health benefits that all men can imagine. If you are going to have atleast 10-20 minutes of meditation and focus on yourself, then we can say that this is the meditation of the best and biggest secrets of permanence. It is that meditation helps reduce stress, lower your blood pressure and improves your immunity and also has improved cardiovascular function.

It is a fact that adequate sleep can cause a healthy lifestyle; a bad dream can break your lifestyle. Even if you are taking the proper diet and all the healthy foods, but if you are not taking adequate sleep and then all this practice will be ruined. If you are going to have enough sleep, then your brain and all body systems work properly.

If you drink more tea then you see that it is better drink and drink for your body. Green tea will improve your memory, is that it has all the benefits of health promotion and more points, CA to increase your metabolism and can lower blood pressure and also prevent bad breath and also will manage immunity .

Quit and say no to alcohol, if they are to quit smoking and alcohol than men are to remain healthy.

These are all daily health tips for men, if you think you are very weak and are not healthy compared to all other men and then try to make these daily health tips.

Promising new CAP allows breast cancer patients keep more of your hair

Promising new CAP allows breast cancer patients keep more of your hair

For many women with breast cancer, feeling sick is hard enough without looking the part.

Thanks to the recent approval by the FDA DigniCap, hair loss does not have to be the final blow to those receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer because it has been shown to reduce the rate of hair loss associated with treatment. How it works? Nurses say two decks of the patient's head, one to keep fresh scalp and the other to isolate and "reduce the amount of chemotherapy that reaches cells of hair follicles," according to an official press approval device.

The cooling cover changes the game passed the test with great success, which is quite surprising, since it has been used successfully in Europe for more than a decade with minimal risks. (Reports of temporary headaches, chills and neck pain are not uncommon.)

"Not having to remember every time you look in the mirror who is sick, and seems normal to your friends and family, make more bearable chemotherapy," Dempsey wrote in testimony in the direction of the device. "Instead of the disease, I saw myself. Many people had no idea that I had cancer."

the Swedish inventors serious DigniCap that provide women who feel out of control with a real choice, though small proposals.

New guidelines may help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

New guidelines may help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

When I was pregnant all I could think about was my baby through what it is. I was seriously terrified of having a birth or Miscarriage yet, and when my baby was finally born at 36 weeks without complications I felt like I could breathe for a minute. Then I remembered the syndrome of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and started to panic again.

The truth is that I pushed my baby to take a pacifier because I had read somewhere that decreases the chances of SIDS. I did my best to keep my baby safe. I was very worried about him dying suddenly thought that as soon as the risk was more than could be silent again. Not that ever stop worrying about your children are safe and happy, but the problem with SIDS was unknown, mystery.

There is now a new study helps parents understand a little more about the baffling syndrome. And there were certain things you can do to reduce the risk of SIDS, most of them related to the environment - like putting the baby to sleep on her back and take her crib bedding insecure - but now it seems that researchers have discovered additional vaccines.

A baby is more vulnerable to SIDS when they have been exposed to the consumption of snuff in the womb, when born prematurely and when they are under 6 months old. When these factors with which we already knew, which is a recipe for disaster combined. These babies are at increased risk should be monitored more closely and constantly.

While this does not mean that every premature baby was exposed to smoke will die of SIDS, which undoubtedly represents an additional risk.

Unfortunately, there is still much to learn about the syndrome; the only thing parents can do is try to follow the doctor's recommendations as closely as possible

Hair Tie wrist infection causes bad enough to require surgery

Hair Tie wrist infection causes bad enough to require surgery

Do you have an inexplicable hatred headbands? I have a little bit of fuel for the fire.

Successful sales unstylish element often associated with characters without hope (pre-makeover Anne Hathaway in "The Princess Diaries') has made headlines for causing a serious infection in the wrist of a woman in Kentucky.

Audree Kopp was rushed to surgery for a tear in the skin caused by bad loop rubbing against your skin.

The cut - which started as a small bump - contained both staphylococcus and streptococcus, an injury that doctors are also associated with excessively tight bracelets and watches.

"We just do bigger and redder and worse," Kopp told CBS Philadelphia. "Thank God we caught it in time or could have had sepsis".

Before you go pointing fingers at some antiquated accessory and publicly embarrass a friend who still use them, remember that the real enemy here is bacteria. I've had a few in my life and that somehow managed not to kill me or even try. However, for safety, I am also not going to stop throwing them all in a bonfire.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Pak Ramzan GEO TV Show 2016 Registration Form

Pak Ramzan GEO TV Show 2016 Registration Form

Pak Ramzan GEO TV Show 2016 Registration Form,Pak Ramadan 2016 registration form passes tickets online by Aamir Liaquat Geo TV Program Ramazan transmission in Pakistan. Get Pak Ramzan GEO TV show 2016 registration form download ticket pass online after application form submission for free all over Pakistan.Online website for Pak Ramzan launched now
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By clicking on the link above, users will be taken to a window Click the Register Now button. Clicking this button will open a new window in another tab with a simple detail form.

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Aamir Liaquat Hussain Dr. is all set to transmit from 1 June 7, 2015 Ramadan on GEO TV. transmission of Ramadan this year titled Pak Ramazan will be broadcast exclusively on Geo TV during Sehr and Iftar times; the registration process online for free passes is also about to begin.


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