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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

The eyes are the gift of God. Through the eyes you can see the beauty of nature and color of can feel the importance of eyes when eyes closed or in darkness and can not see any thing.Without visibly no color in the lifetime. those who have eyes and can see that they do not realize the problem of those people who s no eyes which means it is blind. Several investigations are ongoing in the US university where are different idea to solve the problem of blindness. Now modern worlds where man was found far as the moon, but still no perfect solution scicentist of blindness. But in this post we share some different ideas about ongoing research at the American University in which electronic devices that connect directly to the brain and brain instruction is used. Name of this device is the stick vision of a digital camera and a digital sensor is used. One of the headphones are connected to the ear that amplify sounds by which the blind person to get an idea of ​​what comes in your way. For these devices blind people can move easily on the stairs and in the parks

• camera sensors on the bottom edge of the bar will help in detecting around a blind. all directions (left, right, forward and backward) will be detected and information on the environment.
• An efficient artificial intelligence has an IQ level such that detect anything, any obstacle or hole near the blind calculator and blind its distance from the normal rhythm of the feet of a person and tells the direction where it is present . Also manipulate that kind of thing is a chair, table, stairs, road or a tree and tells his foot steps away from one person to use.
• A generator wireless signals that send signals to wireless headphones. The blind person is using these headphones and receives audio signals from the device that tells about the object of their environment. The audio is generated by software mentioned above.
• The calculated foot steps must be accurate and generated audio it is clear and concise.
• The stick can be bent into shorter length equivalent to pencil so it can be used in places where the distance is small. The software automatically detects and distance is calculated accordingly. for example, in the closet or kitchen.
• Using the stick of a blind person will also be able to read books or newspapers. The software detects and tells the text accordingly.


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