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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Ways Of Life In America

Ways Of Life In America 

In many regions of the world, people wear traditional costumes at festivals or holidays, and sometimes more regularly. Americans, however, have no distinctive clothing popular with a long tradition. Except for clothing varied and distinctive Native American peoples, dressed in the United States it has rarely been specific to a particular region or on the basis of careful preservation of decorative patterns and crafts. America dress is derived from tissues and fashions of Europeans began to colonize the country in the 17th century The first settlers incorporate some of the forms used by indigenous peoples, such as moccasins and clothing made of fur animals (Benjamin Franklin is famous for flaunting a raccoon hat when he traveled to Europe), but generally in the United States adapted and modified European styles. Despite the number and variety of immigrants in the United States, American Apparel has tended to be homogeneous, and the costume of a country of immigrant origin often quickly exchanged for American clothing.

American dress is distinctive because of its indifference. American style in the 20th century is more informal than in Europe recognizable, and sources of fashion is more dependent on what people are wearing on the streets. European fashions follow the example of the top of the hierarchy of fashion, dictated by the famous couture houses (sewing) in Paris, France, and recently, Milan, Italy and London, England. Paris designers, both today and in the past has also been rich dress and American fashion, which copied the French styles. Although European designs remain a significant influence on the American taste, American fashions more often come from popular sources such as school and the street, as well as television and movies. In the last quarter of the 20th century, Americans often designers find inspiration in the imaginative costume worn by young people in cities and playgrounds, and used by workers in factories and fields.

blue jeans are probably the most representative article only American clothes. They were originally invented by the tailor Jacob Davis, who along with cloth merchant Levi Strauss patented the idea in 1873 as a duration of garments miners. blue jeans (also known as dungarees) distributed among workers of all kinds in the final ages of 19 and 20 years, especially among working cowboys, farmers, loggers and railroad. During the 1950s, actors Marlon Brando and James Dean made blue jeans fashion with its use in movies, and jeans became part of the image of teenage rebellion. This fashion statement exploded in the 1960s and 1970s as Levi became an integral part of youth culture focused on civil rights and anti-war protests. In the late 1970s, almost everyone in blue jeans United States, and young people around the world sought. As designers began to create more sophisticated styles of blue jeans and adjust its shape, jeans began to express the American emphasis on informality and the importance of subtle details. By highlighting the correct label and achieve the desired look, jeans, despite its worker origins, ironically he embodied consciousness of American fashion and the desire to approach the latest fashion.

informality in dress of America is such a strong part of American culture that many workplaces have adopted the idea of ​​"Casual Friday" day in which workers are encouraged to dress below their usual professional attire. For many high-tech industries located along the west coast as well as among teachers of colleges and universities, this emphasis on casual dress is a fact of life not only reserved for Fridays.


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