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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Marin Academy Karachi PTS Jobs July 2016 Application Form

Marin Academy Karachi PTS Jobs July 2016 Application Form

  • Marin Academy PTS Karachi Pakistan Employment July 2016 Marin Academy (PMA) Advertising Download. Pakistan Marin Academy (PMA) has invited the application of suitable candidates for the following positions.

  • Last date of filing Form = 15 August 2016
  • Pakistan Marin Academy (PMA) PTS application form:

UVAS Lahore List OF Admitted Candidates M. Phil Degree Program 2016

UVAS Lahore List OF Admitted Candidates M. Phil Degree Program 2016

  • They are allowed to deposit up to 07/27/2016 Their dues. Third merit list will be displayed on 28/7/2016, if seats available. Enrollment classes will be commenced and from 15.08.2016. Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Microbiology.

  • LAHORE GRAPES HAS ANNOUNCED LIST OF CANDIDATES ADMITTED IN 3RD DEGREE PROGRAM IN REGULAR ADMISSION 2016-17 M. Phil. Following M. Phil candidates Have Been provisionally ADMITTED to various Departments.

HITEC university taxila Online Admission System 2016

HITEC university taxila Online Admission System 2016

  • Heavy Industries Taxila Education City (HITEC) is a relatively new addition to the characteristics of Taxila. Located in the foothills of Margalla, 30 km northwest of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, it is an integrated complex and specific purpose, which houses educational institutions, restoration of pre-school to university education.

  • Admission to the University of HITEC Taxila open for monitoring programs. Apply online for HITEC University Taxila Online System Admission:

Application form

  • Submit paper application form with the original slip Challan (HITEC Copy) and academic documents:
  • Registrar, HITEC University Taxila Cantt by courier or registered mail or by hand to reach the University of HITEC later than 16-Aug-2016.
  • HITEC University is not liable for loss or late receipt of the application form or Challan order.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Allama Iqbal Open University C.T/P.T.C/ATTC Program New Result 2016

Allama Iqbal Open University C.T/P.T.C/ATTC Program New Result  2016

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is the single largest university in the entire region of Asia and was established in the year May 1974 in Islamabad. The main campus and administrative building AIOU is located in the city of Islamabad beautiful and attractive province of Punjab, Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad declare the result of all education programs in the last week of July and can visit the official site AIOU for brands of all the details of all topics that are available here.

Result  2016

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How to Treatment Pityriasis Rosea Fast

How to Treatment Pityriasis Rosea Fast

Pityriasis rosea is a skin disease that causes skin rashes body. Rosea problem Roseais harmless but very common skin of a person who appears for several weeks. Very often it appears and grows in autumn and spring, and looks to the children and young adults mission. Pityriasis rosea is uncommon in the elderly over 60 years. It can last months when it occurs in this age group. A single point of randomization often appears one to twenty days before the rash common. It is an oval mark 2.5 cm wide with a scale expanding right on the edge of nowhere.

Pityriasis rosea treatment usually focuses on controlling irritation. Antihistamines, taken orally, can be used to reduce itching. Aveeno oatmeal baths, medicated lotions to combat itching and steroid creams may be prescribed to combat the rash. Warm, rather than hot, baths may be suggested. There are many treatments available for the treatment of pityriasis rosea.

Some research showed that stress also causes this disease and the most effective method of treatment include practice and purpose of why he could not cope with stress. It may have occurred before an interview or public talk and the idea that this fear. It could have happened because it was burning your project and now feels worthless.

Pityriasis rosea is usually appeared by a combination of skin lesions and dry. It is good to avoid any oils, soaps and ointments that are severe skin and pay for it to dry. In contrast, hot showers helps calm the signs and offer greater leniency. Lightly rub the skin instead of washing also help relieve symptoms.

5 Tricks For How To Get Rid of Bad Breath

5 Tricks For How To Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is a hunter personality. It must be cured immediately if you are a person socialized Otherwise you will get bad impression on others. In this article we will discuss some of the tips to curing bad breath. Let's start the cure for bad breath and procedure one by one.

5 Tricks to know how to get rid of bad breath?

Cleaning the teeth, mouth and tongue:

simply applying toothpaste to the teeth and clean is not enough. You have to clean the tongue and cheeks also to avoid bad breath. It consists of the tongue towel like structure that incorporates a lot of bacteria and smelly stuff. Brushing your teeth twice a day and to reduce odor can use fresh mint mouthwash carry. If you are allergic to products that use only the mouth fragrant mint What products are going to keep your mouth fresh for long.
Keep hydrated mouth:

The saliva produced in the mouth by nature involves factors that kills mouth bacteria kills odor. Try to keep the mouth moisturized with the help of juices you can eat gum or mint bubble will protect teeth from getting paler too. Dry mouth can occur long after medication, specific foods or unhealthy conditions. Consult your doctor if the condition is worse and after trying all the techniques still have bad breath due to dry mouth.

Some of the chewing gum containing odorous chemicals can accumulate Increase germ later when thrown out. Before boarding a gum feeding habit, check the ingredient Xylitol What is a type of germ Increase sugar and can accumulate. Eat sugar all the time is not good for health and mouth as well. Take all measures to reduce bacteria in the development of his mouth.

4. Eat and avoid:

It is likely that knowing the onion, garlic, cheese, coffee and similar products that increases in odor from the mouth, leaving behind a bad odor. Try not to take plenty These edible Otherwise you can not get rid of the odor. People who used to eat junk food all the time can have bad breath Because of the nature of this food. Traces of junk food like burgers, fries, etc. left behind for a long time when you eat them. Staying long in the mouth causes odor in the mouth. What you should have in your daily diet is vitamin C rich food, which are evil destroyer of breath. Banana, apple, orange, pepper is very good for people bad breath.

5. Consult your doctor:

Treat all necessary measures and advice if still not get relief from bad breath then you should consult your doctor. Bad breath can also be the reason for diabetes or tonsil stones. In these diseases you can not get rid of bad smell for long, as it will develop again and again. To overcome esta problem, consider the use and prescription of Dr. mouth freshener if you have to Recommend

Malaria disease causes,Symptoms,prevention and treatment

Malaria disease causes,Symptoms,prevention and treatment

Disease malaria is very dangerous disease of the word. In each year millions of people who kill only disease malaria. There were an estimated 225 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2009.
In this article you will find a complete guide to the disease of malaria to teach what causes malaria and symptoms resulting from malaria along with the treatment of malaria, and provide a full explanation of what malaria disease.
This article is only for knowledge so we recommend that you consult your doctor to take any medicine for the disease of malaria.

A disease Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes caused by eukaryotic protists of the genus Plasmodium, in short, is a parasite that once in the blood weakens the immune system and make you seriously ill.
In other words Malaria is an infectious disease by mosquitoes caused humans and other animals by eukaryotic protists of the genus Plasmodium transmitted.
So simple main causes of malaria are very simple words and very simple and easy to understand is that mosquito bites.
Mosquito bites are the main causes that affect humans and animals.

What are the main symptoms of malaria?
Early symptoms of malaria are like having the flu. Maybe your you have,
• Headaches
• Shaking chills
• Diarrhea
• Muscle pain
• Lethargy
• Diseases
• cough
• Abdominal pain.
• muscle pains
• poor appetite
• Vomiting
It is important that all the symptoms appeared again, these symptoms are more commonly to be noticed in this disease. Therefore you have any of the symptoms of 2 ~ 3 above symptoms should seek medical advice.
After some time the temperature may increase. Some people have attacks of malaria in three stages, tremor, heat and sweating. You may feel or be sick during the heating phase.

How I can prevent malaria disease?

malaria prevention is to protect yourself against mosquito bites and take malaria drugs. However, public health officials recommend that young children and pregnant women avoid traveling to areas where malaria is common. In Asia and Africa are the most affected by the disease of malaria.

What are the possible complications of the disease of malaria?

Patients can suffer serious complications of the disease of malaria as the brain can be affected, kidney failure, liver failure and affect the body's immune system that affects blood cells and respiratory failure of fluid in the lungs. Another possible complication of malaria disease red urine, jaundice, and inadequate flow of patients feeling download

What is the possible treatment of malaria disease?

A complete blood count (CBC) should be required to diagnose the disease of malaria.
First always go for the complete blood count, because after reviewing the report of HC is easier for any consultant who face disease malaria.
There are many common symptoms between malaria and dengue. So always ask consultant serves clearly about these diseases.

Several drugs used to treat malaria are easily available in the market and Malaria is completely curable.
Malaria, especially Falciparum malaria, is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization. Chloroquine is often used as a medicine against malaria.
The choice of medication depends in part on where you were when infected so it is best to consult your doctor as soon as possible and try to control fever as possible to prevent serious complications of the disease of malaria.

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

VISION STICK Artificial Eye for Blind People

The eyes are the gift of God. Through the eyes you can see the beauty of nature and color of can feel the importance of eyes when eyes closed or in darkness and can not see any thing.Without visibly no color in the lifetime. those who have eyes and can see that they do not realize the problem of those people who s no eyes which means it is blind. Several investigations are ongoing in the US university where are different idea to solve the problem of blindness. Now modern worlds where man was found far as the moon, but still no perfect solution scicentist of blindness. But in this post we share some different ideas about ongoing research at the American University in which electronic devices that connect directly to the brain and brain instruction is used. Name of this device is the stick vision of a digital camera and a digital sensor is used. One of the headphones are connected to the ear that amplify sounds by which the blind person to get an idea of ​​what comes in your way. For these devices blind people can move easily on the stairs and in the parks

• camera sensors on the bottom edge of the bar will help in detecting around a blind. all directions (left, right, forward and backward) will be detected and information on the environment.
• An efficient artificial intelligence has an IQ level such that detect anything, any obstacle or hole near the blind calculator and blind its distance from the normal rhythm of the feet of a person and tells the direction where it is present . Also manipulate that kind of thing is a chair, table, stairs, road or a tree and tells his foot steps away from one person to use.
• A generator wireless signals that send signals to wireless headphones. The blind person is using these headphones and receives audio signals from the device that tells about the object of their environment. The audio is generated by software mentioned above.
• The calculated foot steps must be accurate and generated audio it is clear and concise.
• The stick can be bent into shorter length equivalent to pencil so it can be used in places where the distance is small. The software automatically detects and distance is calculated accordingly. for example, in the closet or kitchen.
• Using the stick of a blind person will also be able to read books or newspapers. The software detects and tells the text accordingly.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Ways Of Life In America

Ways Of Life In America 

In many regions of the world, people wear traditional costumes at festivals or holidays, and sometimes more regularly. Americans, however, have no distinctive clothing popular with a long tradition. Except for clothing varied and distinctive Native American peoples, dressed in the United States it has rarely been specific to a particular region or on the basis of careful preservation of decorative patterns and crafts. America dress is derived from tissues and fashions of Europeans began to colonize the country in the 17th century The first settlers incorporate some of the forms used by indigenous peoples, such as moccasins and clothing made of fur animals (Benjamin Franklin is famous for flaunting a raccoon hat when he traveled to Europe), but generally in the United States adapted and modified European styles. Despite the number and variety of immigrants in the United States, American Apparel has tended to be homogeneous, and the costume of a country of immigrant origin often quickly exchanged for American clothing.

American dress is distinctive because of its indifference. American style in the 20th century is more informal than in Europe recognizable, and sources of fashion is more dependent on what people are wearing on the streets. European fashions follow the example of the top of the hierarchy of fashion, dictated by the famous couture houses (sewing) in Paris, France, and recently, Milan, Italy and London, England. Paris designers, both today and in the past has also been rich dress and American fashion, which copied the French styles. Although European designs remain a significant influence on the American taste, American fashions more often come from popular sources such as school and the street, as well as television and movies. In the last quarter of the 20th century, Americans often designers find inspiration in the imaginative costume worn by young people in cities and playgrounds, and used by workers in factories and fields.

blue jeans are probably the most representative article only American clothes. They were originally invented by the tailor Jacob Davis, who along with cloth merchant Levi Strauss patented the idea in 1873 as a duration of garments miners. blue jeans (also known as dungarees) distributed among workers of all kinds in the final ages of 19 and 20 years, especially among working cowboys, farmers, loggers and railroad. During the 1950s, actors Marlon Brando and James Dean made blue jeans fashion with its use in movies, and jeans became part of the image of teenage rebellion. This fashion statement exploded in the 1960s and 1970s as Levi became an integral part of youth culture focused on civil rights and anti-war protests. In the late 1970s, almost everyone in blue jeans United States, and young people around the world sought. As designers began to create more sophisticated styles of blue jeans and adjust its shape, jeans began to express the American emphasis on informality and the importance of subtle details. By highlighting the correct label and achieve the desired look, jeans, despite its worker origins, ironically he embodied consciousness of American fashion and the desire to approach the latest fashion.

informality in dress of America is such a strong part of American culture that many workplaces have adopted the idea of ​​"Casual Friday" day in which workers are encouraged to dress below their usual professional attire. For many high-tech industries located along the west coast as well as among teachers of colleges and universities, this emphasis on casual dress is a fact of life not only reserved for Fridays.